Zed combos s7
Zed combos s7


  • Weakness: Doesn’t fit meta or team expectations – is squishy and can’t protect mid or ADC much.
  • Weakness: Squishy, yet needs to be close to be effective.

    Typical Full Build Example: Sorc Shoes > Liandry’s > Hextech Gunblade and/or Nashor’s Tooth > Zhonya’s > Banshee’s or Lich Bane Offensive: Liandry’s Torment, Hextech Gunblade, Nashor’s Tooth, Morellonomicon, Lich Bane, Void Staffĭefensive: Zhonya’s, Abyssal Mask, Banshee’s Veil, Wits End Starting Items: Dorans Ring + HP Pots or Corrupting PotionĬore: Liandry’s Torment, Sorc Shoes, (Often also Zhonya’s) Summoners: Flash + Teleport (Ghost and Ignite are options)

    zed combos s7

    Masteries: Thunderlords Keystone, Take Greenfathers gift and all AP/Magic Pen options Runes: Magic Pen Reds (Marks), Flat Armor Yellows, Scaling MR Blues, Flat AP OR AS Quints General Build for AP Teemo, the Shroom Farmer Fervor is very important here mid and late game for extra AD. If the enemy over-extends you can punish it and chase them forever. The general idea with tanky AD/AS Teemo is to get tanky with a permaslow using Frozen Mallet, then get lots of on-hit damage with attack speed items combined with your E autoattack poison.

  • Strength: free slowing wards protect you from ganks (even if they don’t do much damage).
  • Strength: by mid game can 1v1 most top laners and split push quickly with Hurricane.
  • Strength: has good sustain midgame via BOTRK or Hextech Gunblade.
  • Strength: can survive almost any enemy burst, then outplay and kite.
  • Weakness: shrooms aren’t deadly, but still do okay damage + slow.
  • Weakness: kills require time and chasing, leaving you vulnerable to overextending and getting ganked.
  • Offensive Items: Hextech Gunblade, BOTRK, Hurricane, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Wits End, Guardian Angelĭefensive Items: ZZRot, Thornmail, Dead Man’s Plate, Randuins, Abyssal Mask

    zed combos s7

    Starting Items: Boots+Pots OR Dorans Ring OR Doran’s Shield OR Corrupting Potionĭefault Build: Boots > Frozen Mallet > Swiftness Boots > Hextech Gunblade, Hurricane, OR BotRK Summoners: Flash + Teleport (OR Ghost sometimes)


    Masteries: 18-12-0 (Take Fervor Keystone and Greenfather’s Gift plus all damage / attack speed options) Runes: Attack Speed Red (Marks), Flat Armor Yellows, Scaling MR Blues, Attack Speed Quints General Build for Hybrid Tanky Teemo AS / On-Hit Shortcuts to matchups: if a guide is available for a matchup the link will be active here.

  • Overall Teemo Playstyle Tips & Lane Strategy.
  • Section and Matchup Shortcuts for This Guide: Please bookmark and come back often! A good way to use this guide is to quickly read about your opponent during champion select and the loading screen. More champions are being added and information is being tweaked on a regular basis.

    zed combos s7

    Another super helpful resource is Twitch streamer ivan999 who is a Diamond and Master level Teemo player that streams on Twitch. These guides are intended for players in Gold and Platinum (or below.) I have mained Teemo for a couple of years, with hundreds of games from Gold to high Platinum in Solo Ranked Queue.


    I will continue to update this guide with more champions and to reflect meta changes, so please bookmark and come back if you’re a Teemo top player! Quickly read about your matchup before your game starts to get an advantage! A quick build and explanation is included for all match ups top lane in LoL.

    zed combos s7

    Top Lane matchups for all of Teemo’s lane opponents for Season 7 League of Legends.

    Zed combos s7